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I feel like this is awesome!! Great work! (I couldn't exactly play but I think it's cause my laptop is 20 years old lol)

Also, will there be a Debug mode? :3


Thank you!! and yes i do plan on adding a sandbox mode to explore and do whatever :-)


Pls make for android.


on mac and it does not load for me.

Hello! very sorry for the late reply! you can check the previous comments to fix it :)


So i wanted to ask if you can make like a custom mode when the game is finished? So that you can customize your character and your senpai like the 1980s custom mode in yandere simulator it would be very amazing 

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yandere sim if it was good

edit: also can we have the option to change the gender of hazu i want to be a lesbian yandere🙏🙏🤞


Hello! i'm currently focusing on finishing the game and adding all the competitors, and the game isn't supposed to be as big as yandere simulator, it's just a little project me and a small team are working on so i don't plan on expanding the scope any further, thank you for understanding!

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is hazu's current model the intended model for final game?? just asking because he's drawn different in the menu art


Yep! only thing that is different is the glasses placement


that's great!! thanks for replying <3

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Hello, I really liked the game on Mac, but I cant find out where to get rid of bodies and weapons? Also, I can't pick up the mops :(( Please help!! Thank you

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Hello! please watch a few videos from my youtube channel so you can get an idea of how to play the game, but for getting rid of the bodies, the garden near the first school entrance has a flowerbed that you can drop bodies in and then use the shovel nearby to bury them inside, the shovel and chainsaw are in that same garden, and there is a knife in the kitchen, you can't pick up mops so you'll have to buy a cleaning robot through your phone (by pressing "ESC") hope that helps!


NO ANDROID 😭.. (at least I have a pc..) 


can this be downlloaded on imac?

Yep, it's for Windows and Mac!

(1 edit) (+1)

okay! its just beacuse now when im trying to download it it says it cant be opened :,) if its possible can you do a tutorial because it wont let me open the game and whwen i try alternate download it doesnt let me download !

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I will make sure to give a text guide next update! here is what you can do for now!

"Open Terminal or iTerm and type "chmod -R 755" and drag the .app into the window, which will bring the full path into Terminal or iTerm. It will look like this: chmod -R 755 Path\ to\ app\ Press return Then, you can open the app file normally, but it will fail because gatekeeper won't be able to verify the file. From there, go into your "Security and Privacy" in "System Preferences" and then click to allow the app to open."


sorry for the late replies :C but okay i will try this! thank you for telling me this :3


OMG IT WORKED TYSM but i have one more question how did that work?!?!? like how did using terminal make the game open?? ALSO TYSMMM IVE BEEN DYING TO PLAY YOUR GAME!!! ILYSMMM

No problem! i noticed it's actually a problem with all unity applications, i will look more into it since i don't have a mac myself, enjoy ❤

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Can it. Maybe be someday for android;0

Very unlikely :(


stan hazu frfr


Loved It! Could You Add A Genderbend Option?

"Hello! i'm currently focusing on finishing the game and adding all the competitors, and the game isn't supposed to be as big as yandere simulator, it's just a little project me and a small team are working on so i don't plan on expanding the scope any further, thank you for understanding!" 

That's what the DEV said abt changing Hazu's gender, so I think it's unlikely that there'll be such thing as changing characters' gender +_+;;;


Hey I just downloaded the game and the game has alot of potential but I would like to suggest some things to improve the game. Can you add hitman mode or different game modes. Hitman mode is like when you have to kill a specific person to get money. Also add more students. Can you also make it where I can customize the character or change the gender? 

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great idea, but these requests would be better fit once the base game's completed <3


theres this one glitch (?) where a bit ahead of me, there's like, a sky-like thing? it's a bit odd, im not sure how to describe it

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yes im having the same problem too! the game is soo cute looking but i cant actually play or see what im doing bc the sky box follows me around. ive also noticed the sky thing is fixed while ur in your phone?? it clears up ur background 

Hello! this is caused by the default settings, you can change the camera view distance from the main menu!

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thank you sm!! much appreciated


You can change the camera view distance from the main menu :)


how do i fullscreen?


(1 edit) (+2)

I love the game and the concept, but like the controls are hard to figure out. I don't know how to drop bodies and items while there in my hands :< It would be nice to have a guide :>

Thank you for the feedback! you can press 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 to drop bodies and items!

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Good game, but the controls are very inconsistent. It switches between having you use e, spacebar and enter to select things and switches between WASD and the arrow keys to move in menus. Also, having a main menu button would be good.

I also found a bug with the phone: when you write/sell poems on it while you have the calming pills, it takes the pills each time you press I.

Regardless, keep up the good work!

Edit: I just remembered that there's also a bug with the dialogue: when I asked some students if they needed help, the captions wouldn't show up for most of it and then flash after a few seconds. This started after I asked one person (the lost bookbag girl) if they needed help. My earbuds just broke yesterday and my computer doesn't have speakers, so I had no way of knowing what they were saying.


Thank you for the feedback! i will keep that in mind for next update!

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If you need a extra female voice actor, im always available, tho the audio can sometimes not be very clear, also one question, will be it available for moblie in any way?

Thank you for the offer but i don't currently need anymore voice actors, the game will not be available for mobile


Hi! Are you looking for any voice actors?

Hello! i might need some voice actors soon, i will let you know when!


i love this game so much and its soo cute!! I wish i could wear the hello kitty book bag in the room its super cute :3 but anyways game is amazing and i love it

Thank you! i'm glad you like it as there is more to come <3


It looks soooo cute! :3 And just look like the type of game I love <3 Really hope you get all the attention deserved (,,ºvº,,)/

Thank you for your sweet comment <3

I want to support you but the patreon link doesn't work! Can you update it so I can support you besides through

I just fixed it! thank you for letting me know!


I wish there was a android ver bc i have to wait until my birthday to get a new pc but my bday is in january


This game has some potential honestly. I like how we can customize our character with the textures in the files, and i love the character models! 

Bugs/Glitches i found:

The teacher in our classroom that sits down has a error sticking out of her head.

One of the bathrooms has a floating knife above it i found it in free camera mode 

i dont even know how i activated it but it wont show up again.

Another problem is the police count down freezes at 0:01


I think it would be cool to see the poem we wright in the morning, or have a reason wright it, maybe a character needs us to wright a poem for them to give it to someone they like, maybe a matchmaking method and the rivals suiter and they need to give the rival a love letter.

There should be a app on te phone that takes us to settings, its annoying needing to go the the menu and change settings and it resets the day,

There is a task where we need to steal a confiscated phone from the teacher, i think it would be cool if the teacher has to stand up and walk somewhere which gives us the oppertunity to steal the phone since in the game we steal it while shes looking and she says nothing.


Thank you for the feedback! i'll surely add the phone settings and improve the phone task, btw, the reason the teachers model is messed up is because of your settings, try setting the models bones to 2 or 4.


Ohh I'll change my settings and try again! I cant wait to see how this game evolves!


I may be Lil bit annoying but....will this game launch for iOS and Android??

Nope, it will only be available on computers!

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Hi! I've noticed a glitch when I try to bury someone and I drop the shovel on the body I can't pick up the body or the shovel


Thank you for reporting, i'll fix it!


Gameplay of the new build

Omg yaay


Hello there! I saw a playthrough of your game a few days ago, and I absolutely loved the vibe of it! Everything is so pastel, and Sakura's design is adorable! Anyways, if you're ever in need of an artist, I can volunteer! Though I specialize in character art, any other work is fine too. My discord is hello_lin, but different forms of communication can be arranged if you want!

Here's my tumblr for a frame of reference of my artworks –


Hi! i love your art! i sent you a request on discord!


I loved Kubz Scouts gameplay so much that I had to try the game out for myself!

Thank you for playing! i love that it's 2 hours, it helps a lot with feedback!


Hii! This question might seem silly but I noticed that on the credits you have Michi for artwork. I was just wondering if this is 69michi who creates the webtoon rebirth on webtoons? Idk why but I can’t stop wondering lol.

Hi! michi was an old volunteer so i can't say for sure, but i'm pretty sure it's not the same person lol

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ohh ok thank you 😄


alsoo, you probably already know about it but my favourite youtube just played beating heart in his latest video: 


Yes i watched it! he is my favourite too!


hi! although this game is so early in development, i already see a lot of potential! the graphics are super adorable, the voice acting and art is stunning and i love some of your ideas, for example the poem writing mechanic and police interrogation part. i can't wait to learn more about the lore. i like the idea of sakura having heart problems because it's original and you can do so much with it in the story.
keep up with the amazing work! <3


Thanks a lot! this was a super sweet comment <3


Heyyy, if you need a voice actor you could add me on Discord [yelloweg , it might take me a while to accept the friend request.] I'm 15 and I'm willing to do it for free . I've never voice acted for a game or anything like that before, but I feel like it would be fun voice acting for this game!

Hello! i'm currently not in need of voice actors, but i can always reach out to you if i do! thank you so much!